Studying Tips for the Holidays

As winter break has just begun, some students are excited for the chance to sleep in and catch up with friends. But the holidays also provide a great chance to review school subjects or work on a long-term school project. In order to ensure the most productive study session possible, see some of the tips below!


1. Check your study environment

A quiet and clean place to study is an absolute must. However, for working on a creative assignment, a little background noise could help. Sites like Coffitivity or Rainy Mood are good resources for ambient noise.


2. Drink water regularly, or, if necessary, a small amount of caffeine

Keeping hydrated should definitely be a priority. For students who love caffeine, a Johns Hopkins study suggests that having caffeine after learning something may help with memory. However, don’t grab for that venti Starbucks frappuccino just yet. A small cup of black coffee or green tea should be enough for a caffeine boost.


3. Organize your time with regular breaks

After studying for 45 or 50 minutes, take a short break for 5-10 minutes to take a walk and refresh your mind.

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