Want a Creative Career? Study Up on STEM

As a student, have you ever wondered “Why do I need to know what derivative is?” or “Why should I care what a quantum mechanical system does?”

If you’re interested in one of the careers below, you might want to dust off your textbooks and get back to your math and science notes.


1. Fashion Designer (Algebra, Geometry)

Besides knowing the difference between red and blood-orange, math is a must for creating the right clothes based on differing patterns and sizes.


2. Ship Captain (Physics, Computer Science)

While at sea, a captain must take account of weather conditions, cargo weight, and a multitude of other variables. If becoming a ship captain interests you, and you’re having a hard time concentrating on a physics chapter, you could always pretend you’re studying for the Kobayashi Maru.


3. Animator (Computer Science)

You could try hand-drawing every single panel of your work. On the other hand, knowledge of computer science and different computer software can be used in concert with your artistic skills to create award-winning films.

(Source: The Atlantic)
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